Incident of 28th March - ASB Case Reference 19914 J, There has been another incident in this case with my neighbour, Philip Bradley, seemingly attempting to gain entry to my premises intent on an assault. M Bradley (157) left the suite of apartments 157-162 High Street DY9 8LT (28th March) with his dog, entering Connops Way DY9 8UD; a 'conversation' ensued, begun by M Bradley, during which I informed him, as agreed by West Midlands Police, that he should not be walking his dog (that is in order for it to urinate and defecate) underneath my kitchen window; his reaction also included many threats, whilst pointing with an index finger, to my person, probably witnessed by Colin Smart's vocal guest, Carol, in apartment 161; M Bradley also suggested, next time I appeared in the street, that I would be beaten by one of his relatives (brother or nephew); as part of the altercation, I suggested that under the present Covid-19 restrictions, M Bradley should not be walking the dog in public when it could be housed with a relative (one of which is, most likely, the technical owner) that probably enjoys a private, secluded rear garden; my neighbour subsequently climbed the stairs and kicked the door (that is tried to kick it down) to my apartment in order to attempt his assault.  Please note that dogs have been tested as positive for Covid-19 in Hong Kong. Please note also that M Bradley exhibited no intention to conform to the current rules on social-distancing, as an assault would involve an approach within two metres (or even six feet). Note also the consideration that dog-walking results, very often, in 'outraging public decency' - civilised man employs a toilet bowl, in private. D. PS: Sadly, my new MP, Ms Suzanne Webb, has reminded me of the importance of the dog in Governmental considerations (including the bizarre decision to continue to allow 'public exercise') by recently posting a video on social media showing my Parliamentary Representative enjoying a lick from 'er pet dog! What chance of progress for civilised man? PPS: Did Derbyshire Police' recent drone footage show Our Soz, on a day-out, J, from your old boss' latest posting in Barnsley, walking 'er dog? PPPS: Regarding another public position with a new occupant, critically, is Count Kevin canophillic? PPPPS: Given the recent revelations from those scientists in the Far East, what is the probability that the UK Prime Minister, now also tested positive for Covid-19, picked-up the virus through a lick from 'is girlfriend's dog?